Kat & Kevin start their next chapter!

This past weekend I was honored with capturing Kat and Kevin's engagement pictures. Even though the wind was blowing and the temperature was in the low 50s, nothing stopped us from making some of the best memories ever. Kat wanted the warm look to her pictures, and something that favored the rustic vibe, since they will be getting married in Michigan next October. After going over our options, they finally settled on Northwest Community park. I sold them on the "dead grass" look , but once you see the images, you will understand what I mean. The day of the shoot, I learned three things about Kat. One, she has great taste in hats, they are so adorable on her. Second, she knew what she wanted, and lastly, she can pull off a red dress like no other. SHE WAS STUNNING! With the all said and done, Kat and Kevin are seriously the cutest couple ever.


Let's get to know Kat & Kevin more...

JL: How did you and Kevin meet?

Kat: Kev and I met in college at Grand Valley State University through a mutual friend. He showed up to a friends birthday party and the second he walked through the door we locked eyes. We spent the entire night talking and never stopped since. Since then we’ve spent most of our 5 year relationship doing long distance. I studied abroad in Spain soon after we met and Kev was crazy enough to buy a plane ticket to visit. I then moved to Chicago while Kevin stayed in Michigan to get his Doctorate in PT. During his program he had clinical rotations in Texas and Arizona. But we made it work through many FaceTimes, long weekends together, and lots and lots of plane, train, and bus tickets to go the distance. Finally after 3 years of this, we are now doing all of our traveling together.

JL: What is your favorite date?

Kat: Kev and I LOVE movies. Before the pandemic, we would go all the time. Well one night, Kev told me to get dressed up fancy and we went to a nice restaurant before the movie. The food was so good and I didn’t want to not take my leftovers home but there was no time before the movie started. So we went to a CVS next to the theatre, hid our leftovers in the back of the dairy refrigerator, bought candy (of course) and he even bought me $1 flip flops since the heels I was wearing were hurting my feet. We went back after the movie and sure enough our hidden take out boxes were untouched to take home and I was able to walk home in my nice dress in flip flops. How ridiculous?! I know. But that was a date night I would never forget. 

JL: Aww I love that! Lastly, tell me what are you most excited about for the wedding.

Kat: We are most excited about getting to celebrate our love with all of our closest friends and family. Kev and I love to celebrate, dance, and make memories with people close to us. The fact that we get to do all of that in celebration of how much we love each other sounds like the perfect day. We will definitely be the couple on the dance floor the longest.

JL: That sounds like the perfect wedding to me. Congratulations again!
